
Softonic のレビュー


Welcome to the vast and thrilling world of Demon Fruits RPG, a free role-playing game that plunges you into the heart of pirate life. As the captain of your own crew, your journey begins with the quest for the greatest treasure.

Demon Fruits RPG unfolds into an epic saga with mysteries, legendary treasures, and the allure of deadly Devil Fruits. Embarking on this nautical odyssey, you face various challenges. Other pirates vie for the same treasures, navies attempt to thwart your exploits, and shadowy groups weave dark plots around the coveted Devil's Fruit.

Collect and unleash the power of the Devil’s Fruit

In Demon Fruits RPG, the seas you sail are rich with diversity — from the lower waves, where petty pirates skirmish, to treacherous waters filled with mysterious islands, volatile volcanoes, and tempestuous storms. Central to your success is the assembly of a formidable crew. Each member possesses unique skills. Training and building strong bonds with your crew enhance their abilities, contributing to the synergy and power of your team.

The Devil's Fruit, a pivotal asset to the game, grants extraordinary strength but comes at the cost of swimming ability. Collecting these fruits becomes a crucial element in overcoming formidable foes and navigating hazardous challenges. Each island introduces a unique story, from exotic tribes to sprawling cities and remote locales, each teeming with its own culture and secrets. Yet, amid the allure, dangers lurk.

Legendary pirates, relentless navies, and secret societies vying for global domination present themselves as enemies. Epic battles, side missions, and additional challenges punctuate your journey — whether it’s facing sea monsters or entering gladiator tournaments and uncovering the enigmatic Atlantis. However, the journey isn't without its drawbacks. Some game elements prove confusing, and the movement lacks the fluidity desired in an RPG adventure. The upgrading system, though essential, presents inconveniences.


結論として、Demon Fruits RPGは冒険、戦略、そして危険の魅力的な融合を提供します。多様なキャラクターや風景とともに豊かな物語を進んでいくことで、このゲームは没入感のある体験を提供します。ゲーム要素の混乱、制限された移動、不便なアップグレードなどの小さな複雑さに取り組みながらも、高い海、宝物、伝説的な戦闘の魅力は、このRPGを志すどんな海賊船長にとってもスリリングな冒険となります。


  • ディープナラティブ
  • 多様なキャラクター
  • さまざまなチャレンジとミッション
  • エピックな戦闘


  • いくつかの要素は混乱しています
  • 硬いキャラクターの動き
  • 不便なアップグレードシステム



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